The name of this organization shall be the Green River Baptist Association, Inc.
The purpose of this organization shall be to further the cause of Christ among the cooperating churches by planning and doing together the Lord's work by promoting fellowship, unity and growth in the churches, and by cooperating with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, the Southern Baptist Convention and others in Christian ministry and world missions.
The objectives of this association shall be:
1. To provide for the spiritual welfare and fellowship of all the cooperating churches and their members.
2. To provide a forum for the discussion of issues and doctrines of the Christian faith.
3. To serve as a two-way channel of information between the churches and the conventions (NCBSC and SBC) and their agencies.
4. To assist the churches in reaching their objectives in worship, education, proclamation, ministry, and application of the Christian faith.
5. To inform the churches of worldwide missions needs and concerns.
6. To study church, association and community needs.
7. To plan mission strategy.
8. To lead in the establishing of ministries to meet human need in the name of our Lord.
Section 1. This association shall be an autonomous body of churches composed of the pastors and duly elected messengers from cooperating autonomous Baptist churches (as listed in the current issue of the association annual) and the duly elected General Officers and Leadership Team of the Association.
Section 2. Each cooperating church shall be entitled to three elected messengers for the first 100 resident members or fraction thereof, and one messenger for each additional 50 resident members or fractions thereof, provided that no church has more than 10 elected messengers, including pastor, association elected officers, and Leadership Team.
Section 3. Churches desiring affiliation with this Association must make written application to the Advisory Committee. Upon recommendation of the Advisory Committee, the church may come under the watchcare of the Association by a majority vote of the Association. Upon satisfactory evidence of its adherence to the faith and practices of Southern Baptists, it may become an affiliated church after one year upon the majority vote of the Association.
Section 4. Any church may withdraw from this Association at its pleasure upon written notice to the Advisory Committee.
Section 5. While recognizing the autonomy of the local church, this Association asserts its privilege of using discretion in receiving churches into its fellowship and in withdrawing fellowship from any church found upon careful investigation to be walking in disorder or failing in practice to endorse and support missionary and/or benevolent work of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention. In the event that a church fails or refuses to support financially and to make an annual report to the Association for two consecutive years, it shall be removed from the list of affiliated churches upon the investigation and recommendation of the Advisory Committee to the Association at a Quarterly Association Meeting.
The October Quarterly Meeting of the Association shall be the annual meeting of Green River Baptist Association, Inc.
Section 1. The General Officers of the Association shall be: Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Clerk, Associate Clerk, Treasurer, Associate Treasurer, Historian, Music Director, Organist, Pianist and Woman’s Missionary Union Director.
Section 2. The Association Resource Team Leaders shall be the Leadership Team.
Section 3. The following General Officers: Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer and the Associational Mission Strategist shall serve as directors of Green River Baptist Association, Inc. No members of this corporation, nor any officer or director shall, merely by virtue of such membership, office or position, incur or be subject to personal liability to any extent for any indebtedness or obligations from acts or omissions of this corporation.
Section 4. The Associational Mission Strategist shall be the executive officer of the Association. In the event there is a vacancy in the Associational Mission Strategist position or other circumstances that would prohibit the Associational Mission Strategist from fulfilling the responsibilities as executive officer, the moderator shall be the executive officer of the Association.
Section 1. The ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL shall consist of nine members composed of the moderator, vice-moderator, treasurer and six messengers from the slate of messengers elected by the churches to attend the Quarterly Association Meetings.
Section 2. The ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL members shall be nominated by the moderator and vice-moderator and presented for election at the October Quarterly Meeting. No more than one person from a church shall serve on the council. Terms of service are renewed annually.
Section 3. The ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL shall assist the Associational Mission Strategist in planning, advising and carrying out the work of the Association.
Section 4. The ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL will be chaired by the Vice-Moderator.
This constitution may be revised or amended at any Quarterly Association Meeting of the Association by a two-thirds majority of the members present, provided that said change(s) shall have been distributed in writing to each messenger one month prior to a Quarterly Association Meeting.
The Association shall meet Quarterly on the last Monday of October, January, April and July with the time of day of the meetings to be determined by the Program Committee.
Section 1. The Administrative Council shall meet when called by the Moderator or Associational Mission
Section 2. When deemed advisable, the Administrative Council may call a meeting of the Association, provided that at least two-week notice be given.
Section 1. All General Officers and Leadership Team of the Association shall be elected annually at the April Quarterly Association Meeting.
Section 2. The Associational Mission Strategist shall be elected indefinitely.
Section 1. General Officers
1. The Moderator shall preside over the meetings of the Association and give general supervision and support to all association activities. The moderator shall appoint the Committee on Committees at the January Quarterly Association Meeting and name the chairman. The moderator shall appoint all special committees as needed and appoint the parliamentarian in consultation with the Vice-Moderator and Associational Mission Strategist. The Parliamentarian shall advise the Moderator and messengers with respect to proper parliamentary procedures in the business meetings. The moderator shall serve as chairman of the Program Committee and be an ex-officio member of all committees. The moderator may call a special meeting of the Administrative Council when this is deemed advisable, provided that members be notified at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. The moderator shall serve as chairman of the Board of Directors. The Moderator may not serve more than two consecutive years.
2. The Vice-Moderator shall preside in the absence of the Moderator and render assistance when called upon. The vice-moderator shall serve as vice-chairman of the Board of Directors and as chairman of the Administrative Council.
3. The Treasurer shall receive all funds contributed to the Association, disburse all funds as directed by the Association and keep accurate records of all transactions. The treasurer shall serve as an ex- officio member of the Budget and Accounting Committees. The treasurer shall report at all Quarterly Association Meetings. The Treasurer shall make all records available to the Accounting Committee annually. The treasurer shall serve as the treasurer of the Board of Directors.
4. The Associate Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer as called upon by the Treasurer or Moderator.
5. The Clerk shall record the proceedings of the Quarterly Association Meetings, publish and distribute an association annual, and preserve all association records. The Clerk shall see that copies of the association minutes are bound in permanent volumes, leaving the number of year's minutes per volume to the discretion of the clerk. The clerk shall serve as the secretary of the Board of Directors.
6. The Associate Clerk shall assist the Clerk as called upon by the Clerk or Moderator.
7. The Historian shall provide a report of significant events and accomplishments of the churches during the Association year for publication in the association annual.
8. The Music Director shall be responsible for the planning and leading of music in the Quarterly Association Meetings.
9. The Association Organist and Pianist shall be present at all Quarterly Association Meetings to accompany the Music Director in leading congregational hymns.
10. The Director of W.M.U. shall promote mission study, support, and involvement among women and girls and generally supervise all association W.M.U. work.
The Leadership Team, with nine members serving annually, shall have the responsibility of working, in conjunction with the Associational Mission Strategist, in planning and coordinating the events of the Association (i.e.: activities, missions, trainings, promotions, etc.) to encourage growth and development of our churches. Each member will have specific areas of focus (i.e.: WMU, Prayer, Baptist Men, Disaster Relief, Discipleship, Worship, Mountain state Fair Ministry, Soup Kitchen and Chapel ministry, Evangelism, Bible Study, Church Growth, Youth and Children’s Ministry, etc.)
Section 1. The COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES shall consist of five members, plus the moderator. This committee shall be appointed by the Moderator at the January Quarterly Association Meeting. This committee shall nominate all other standing committees. This committee’s report will be presented at the April Quarterly Association Meeting.
Section 2. The PERSONNEL COMMITTEE shall be composed of the Moderator, Vice-Moderator and three members at large, these to be named by the Committee on Committees. The three members-at-large shall serve on a rotating basis. The Moderator shall serve as chairman. The Personnel Committee shall have the following duties:
1. Serve as the selection committee for the Associational Mission Strategist and any other ministry position and present its nomination to the Association for election.
2. Serve as liaison between the Associational Mission Strategist and the Association in all questions of relationship.
3. In consultation with the Associational Mission Strategist, employ an Administrative Assistant and any other non-ministerial staff as the Association may authorize.
4. Review and update annually the Personnel Policy statements for all Association staff.
Section 3. Election of other Standing Committees:
1. All other standing committees will be nominated by the Committee on Committees and elected by the Association in the April Quarterly Association Meeting.
2. These committees will rotate on a three-year rotation, with one-third of the members rotating off each year.
3. The chairman will be selected at the first committee meeting by the committee.
Section 4. Other Standing Committees and their Duties:
1. The ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE shall be composed of three members and shall be responsible for seeing that a good system of bookkeeping is adopted and used by the Treasurer of the Association and shall audit the books and make a written report to the Association at the January Quarterly Association Meeting.
2. The ADVISORY COMMITTEE shall be composed of six members and have the following duties:
a. This committee shall counsel with churches seeking fellowship in this Association in accordance with the constitution (Article IV, Section 3). They shall request from these churches a report on the standard association letter form, and such other information as deemed advisable.
b. This committee shall encourage new churches to adopt a constitution and by-laws.
c. As called upon, it will counsel with groups concerned with problems of doctrine, fellowship, or conduct.
d. It will counsel with groups concerned with organizing a new church or with consolidation of two or more existing churches.
e. It will counsel with churches found failing to comply with Article IV, Section 5 of the constitution.
3. The APPRECIATION COMMITTEE shall be composed of three members. This committee shall express appropriate commendations, recommend dedication of the annual minutes and appreciation in matters related to the Association at the October Quarterly Association Meeting.
4. The BUDGET COMMITTEE shall be composed of six members and will prepare and present a realistic but challenging association budget based on felt needs and program activities. This new budget will be presented to the October Quarterly Association Meeting for approval. The new budget will become effective January 1. The committee will review quarterly, or as frequently as necessary, the status of budget items and take action as necessary to maintain sound financial management.
5. The BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE, composed of three members, shall have the following duties:
a. Have overall responsibility for maintenance and care of all Association properties.
b. Have authority to spend up to the budgeted amount approved in the yearly budget for building maintenance without approval of the Administrative Council.
c. Shall report to the Quarterly Association Meetings of its work.
d. Shall consult with the Associational Mission Strategist pertaining to maintenance needs.
6. The CHRISTIAN CHARACTER SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE, composed of three members serving on a rotating basis shall bring appropriate recommendation (s) to the
Association in awarding scholarships. See Guidelines.
7. The CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE, composed of three members, shall annually review the constitution and by-laws and recommend needed revisions or amendments.
8. The MEMORIAL COMMITTEE, consisting of three members, shall compile a list of members of affiliated churches dying during the association year for publication in the Book of Reports and in the annual. They shall plan and conduct a brief memorial service at the October Quarterly Meeting.
9. The NOMINATING COMMITTEE, composed of three members, shall present nominations for General Officers and Church Resource Team Leaders to the April Quarterly Association Meeting. This committee shall bring nominations to the Quarterly Association Meetings to fill vacancies that occur during the year.
10. The ORDINATION COMMITTEE, consisting of six members, shall counsel with and assist any church upon its request concerning the ordination of ministers.
11. The PLACE AND PREACHER COMMITTEE shall be composed of three members and shall have the following duties:
a. Recommend the place for the Quarterly Association Meetings two years in advance.
b. Recommend the preacher and alternate for the annual sermon at the April Quarterly Association Meeting.
c. This committee report will be presented at the January Quarterly Association Meeting.
12. The REGISTRATION COMMITTEE, composed of six members, one from each church that will be hosting the Quarterly Association Meetings for the next three years, shall be responsible for registering messengers to the Annual Meeting; giving a report of number present at beginning of each session and determining the validity of seating a messenger.
All Association committee chairpersons and Leadership Team shall file reports with the Association office by September 15 to be included in the Annual Minutes.
In the Quarterly Association Meetings those members present shall constitute a quorum. In a called meeting of the Association, messengers from one-half of the churches shall constitute a quorum.
Order of business shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order as revised.
The Association or the Administrative Council shall establish policy for all matters not herein stated.
These by-laws may be amended at any Quarterly Association Meeting provided that the proposed amendment be presented in writing by mail to the messengers two weeks prior to a Quarterly Association Meeting and that the amendment be passed by a two-thirds majority.
(Revised July 27, 2020)
These policies give guidance concerning the calling, ministry and relationship of the Association to the Associational Mission Strategist. Also, policies are included that give guidance to the employing of an Administrative Assistant. Maintaining and/or revising these policies is the responsibility of the Personnel Committee. In the event the Association employs other personnel, the Personnel Committee will be responsible for developing needed polices.
Section 1. The Associational Mission Strategist shall be the executive officer of the association and serve as an employee of the association.
Section 2. The Associational Mission Strategist shall be responsible to the Association through the Personnel Committee.
Section 3. The Associational Mission Strategist shall have the following duties:
1. He will work closely with the Administrative Council in studying the needs of the area, determining ministries needed to meet these needs, and assisting in the assignment of responsibilities for these ministries.
2. When a local church cannot adequately assume the responsibility for an associational ministry, he may initiate this ministry in the name of the association, or discontinue the ministry, with the approval of the Administrative Council
3. In consultation with the Administrative Council, he will correlate the work of all organizations and committees of the association, give direction to church development and promotion, and publish a Calendar of Activities.
4. He shall consult with and advise the Personnel Committee in regard to the employment of an Administrative Assistant and any other staff the association or Administrative Council may approve.
5. He shall be responsible for directing the office work and supervising the association staff in their assigned tasks, along with overseeing the daily affairs of the building and grounds.
6. He shall supervise and direct the publication of an Association annual (yearly minutes booklet).
7. He shall serve as counselor-shepherd, working with churches as needs arise and serving as pastor to pastors and their families.
8. He shall edit and publish a news bulletin as directed by the Association.
9. He shall serve as an ex-officio member of all association committees.
10. He shall be limited to two weeks interim supply work in a given church. The time may be extended under unusual circumstances by the Personnel Committee. Anytime the Association Mission Strategist is called as a preaching supply for a church in the absence of the pastor, it is suggested that the church provide an honorarium as with any other supply preacher. When the AMS serves the church as a representative of the Association, such as in a special conference, missions emphasis, or programs with the church's pastor, the church is not expected to provide an honorarium.
Section 4. Financial Agreement of the Associational Mission Strategist with the Association.
He is employed for an indefinite period of time with the expectation of keeping regular office hours Monday through Friday. He may terminate his services at his direction, provided that 30 day notice is given. The association or the Administrative Council may terminate his services upon the recommendation of the Personnel Committee by a majority vote, provided that 30 day notice be given after the vote. By mutual consent, the time of notice may be altered.
He is encouraged to participate in worship services, ministry activities, and other church functions of all member churches of the Green River Baptist Association as much as possible.
He may attend, at the association's expense, conventions, conferences, and training sessions related to his work within the limits provided for in the budget.
He may conduct two revivals (camps, conferences, seminars, etc) a year outside the association. Revivals within the association may be conducted at his discretion in relation to his work load.
He may give up to four weeks per year in convention service at his discretion and relation to his work load.
He shall have two weeks vacation annually to be taken at his discretion. He shall be entitled to one additional day of vacation per year of service up to four weeks in total.
He shall be paid a salary and receive the following allowances or benefits as provided for in the budget; travel, housing, utilities, retirement, hospital and life insurance, and convention.
He shall have 10 days sick leave each year, if needed, which may accumulate up to 30 days. Additional sick time will be subtracted from vacation time. Sick leave cannot be paid out or monetarily exchanged.
Section 1. The Association shall employ an office administrative assistant who shall be recommended by the Associational Mission Strategist to the Personnel Committee for employment, and shall work under the supervision of the Associational Mission Strategist.
Section 2. The administrative assistant shall have the following duties:
Serve as Association Clerk, keeping the minutes of Association Meetings and the Administrative Council, and fulfilling the other constitutional duties of the Clerk.
Maintain all financial records, general bookkeeping, and payroll processing with QuickBooks.
Receptionist: Greet & assist needs of visitors; Manage incoming calls and emails, responding to inquiries or redirecting as necessary.
Manage Social Media accounts and Website updates.
Keep LED sign updated.
Distribute communications via mail, email, and social media platforms.
Design graphics and coordinating documents for events.
Prepare and take bank deposits.
Prepare and distribute yearly W2/1099 Tax Forms and file monthly Federal and State taxes and quarterly 941 forms.
Perform general clerical duties such as filing, photocopying, and scanning.
Section 3. Other matters of policy regarding the Administrative Assistant:
1. The administrative assistant and the Associational Mission Strategist will agree on office hours in keeping with budget.
2. The administrative assistant shall be granted professional funds for continuing education as requested and/or recommended by the Personnel Committee.
3. The administrative assistant shall have two weeks vacation annually to be taken at his/her discretion. The assistant shall be entitled to one additional day of vacation per year of service up to four weeks in total (accumulation of vacation days only applies to full-time staff).
4. The administrative assistant shall have 10 days sick leave year after year, if needed, which may accumulate up to 30 days. Additional sick time will be subtracted from vacation time (accumulation of sick days only applies to full-time staff). Sick leave cannot be paid out or monetarily exchanged.
5. Services shall be terminated upon a two-week notice from the employee.
6. The Associational Mission Strategist may terminate services after consultation with the Personnel Committee, upon a two-week notice. Immediate termination may apply in circumstances of clear mistrust of associational resources or specific legal allegations.
Section 1. Holidays
The Association Office will observe New Year's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and the week of Christmas.
All staff shall be paid for holidays, not using accumulated vacation time.
This policy shall be reviewed annually by the Personnel Committee and may be revised or amended by mutual consent of the Personnel Committee, the Associational Mission Strategist, and the Association in a Quarterly Association Meeting.
1. The goal of this scholarship is to reward and recognize Christian young people who aspire to attend college. We want to let you know you have been watched as you have been living your Christian life and now we want to help you as you prepare to attend college. It is our prayer that the recipient(s) of this scholarship will influence those who are younger to live for the Lord.
2. Scholarship(s) are for qualifying high school seniors who belong to a member church of the Green River Baptist Association.
3. The applicants are to be seniors in good standing who plan to continue their education, and who have demonstrated Christian character in their home, church and school.
4. Only current application forms will be accepted and will be available after January 1st of the year applying. These applications must be received from the Association office. The application and references of the applicant must be turned in to the Green River Baptist Association office no later than April 10 to allow the scholarship committee time to choose a recipient or recipients.
5. The number of scholarships and the amount of each scholarship will be determined by the scholarship committee, depending on the number of applicants and the amount of funds available. The amount awarded will depend on available funds each year. The scholarship(s) will be funded by the Green River Baptist Association Scholarship Fund, receipts from the Association’s Nannie Newsome Offering, funds donated by the churches and individuals.
6. The recipient(s) will be recognized and presented a check in the amount of the scholarship and a certificate during the following July Quarterly Association Meeting.
This policy shall be reviewed as needed by the Administrative Council and may be revised or amended by mutual consent of the Administrative Council, the Associational Mission Strategist, and the Association in a Quarterly Association Meeting.
(Revised July 29, 2024)